5 Tips to Cope with Chronic Pain and Fatigue
Day after day, you're in pain. Your friends, family, and co-workers don't seem to understand what you're going through.
How Are Childhood Trauma and Chronic Illness Linked?
Have you ever wondered how events that took place in the past can have an impact on your future?
Complex PTSD: How Is It Different?
You’ve probably heard of PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder before. But did you know that there are different types of PTSD?
How to Cope with Anxiety Around the Holidays
It's that time of year again. It's dark when you wake up in the morning, and it's dark before you leave work for the night.
The Price of Success: How to Handle Stress When You're a High Achiever
You barely slept last night. Despite the lack of proper sleep, you were up and out of bed before your alarm clock even went off.
How Can Perfectionism Affect Your Relationships?
You may have had a past relationship or two that involved fights or even breakups due to small issues that were never able to get resolved.
What Can You Do to Calm Racial Anxiety?
Maybe you're spending a little more time each morning carefully selecting the right clothing. What outfit will make you seem the most "normal", "friendly", and "least incriminating"?
4 Ways to Calm Anxiety at Night
You crawl into bed, set your alarm, pull the covers to your chin, and close your eyes. Instead of counting sheep, your head immediately fills with thoughts and questions about past, present, and future events.
What Are Some Types of Codependent Relationships?
In healthy relationships, there's a balance between the partners. A codependent relationship tends to have an imbalance of power. Typically, one person in the relationship will put in more time, energy, and effort compared to the other person.
How to Change Your Mindset About Seeing Therapy as an Investment in Yourself
When you have a sore throat and a fever, it’s time to see the family doctor. Your illness is affecting your daily life. The doctor diagnoses you with strep. So, you take a course of antibiotics and you feel better within a few days.
Is It Possible To Heal From Being Codependent?
When you first think about being codependent on others, it may not seem as if it is a bad thing. After all, we all need to rely on others to some degree.
What Is Trauma? And What Are The Symptoms Associated With It?
Trauma is a word that the majority of people have heard of. However, not everyone has a full understanding of what constitutes trauma. Even fewer have a grasp of the symptoms that come after a trauma.
How "Slow Living" Can Help You Find Peace of Mind
In our society, everything feels fast-paced. If you're not performing at that level or set of expectations, it may actually feel like you're underperforming.
Nervous About Online Therapy? Here's What to Expect
Whether this is your first time trying therapy or your first time trying online therapy, you may not know what to expect in your first appointment. Feeling anxious or nervous about online therapy is completely normal!
How You Might Be Unconsciously Responding to Trauma
It's probable that you've experienced a form of trauma at least once in your life. It could have been a car accident, robbery, death, getting fired or laid off from your job, assault, abuse, or the COVID-19 pandemic.
Healing from Codependency: Where to Begin
At first glance, focusing on others may seem like the trait of a really good friend, but codependency takes it further and can cause imbalances in one's life, especially in relationships.